Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?

If you haven’t noticed, houses have been on my mind lately. I wrote about them last week and I’m going...

This is Why You Invest

I was having a conversation with my parents the other day and, as often happens these days, the subject turned...

Just Wait

I’m sure we’ve all heard the stories by now. Everyone seems to have a friend who knows a coworker that...

Can You Save Too Much?

In a recent conversation I had about preparing for the future, I was asked if it’s possible to be saving...

Trying Too Hard

I stole the title of this post from an investing speech I recently read that was given at Rockford College...

Anything But Average

From 1926 to 2020, the average return for the U.S. stock market was basically 10% per year. Not too shabby....

3 Good Reasons (and 1 Bad Reason) to Hold Cash

As a financial advisor, I’m often asked, “Is now a good time to invest?”. This question comes during up and...

The “Rich Friend” Myth

Since I’ve started working as a financial advisor I’ve noticed that people seem more willing to open up to me...

Lessons From My Robinhood Account: Part 2

It seems like every week now there’s some new speculative investment that’s supposedly “going to the moon.” It was GameStop...

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

I recently read a post from a retired FIRE blogger, Living a FI, where he gives an update to his...

Lessons From My Robinhood Account

The first investment account I ever opened was a Robinhood account that I started in college. I opened the account...

Buying a House, In This Market??

This summer my wife and I are planning on taking the plunge into the home-buying process and hopefully, we’ll come...