Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.


The Summit Experience: Women’s Money Circle Takeaways – Episode #540

Why does money evoke such deep emotions? Discover what participants in the Women’s Money Circle, held at the recent Dentist Money Summit, learned about their relationship with money and why incorporating personal values into financial decisions brings clarity. On this Dentist Money Show, Matt, Victoria, Lauren, and Productive Dentist Academy’s Christine Uhen, share their experiences … Continued

The Summit Experience: Women’s Money Circle Takeaways – Episode #540

Why does money evoke such deep emotions? Discover what participants in the Women’s Money Circle, held at the recent Dentist...

10 Mistakes That Could Cost You $10K or More – Part 2 – Episode #538

“Some of us learn from other people’s mistakes and the rest of us have to be other people.” So said...

Why You Might Regret a DSO Sale – Episode #535

When it comes to a DSO deal and the money that is often involved, it’s hard to be too critical....

How Investment Returns Are Actually Calculated – Episode #533

Getting the right number for your investment returns should be simple … right!? But there are actually several factors that...

What Dentists Spend Money On: Key Insights From the Summit – Episode #530

At the recent Dentist Money Summit, attendees were asked some intriguing questions about their spending habits. Hear what your peers...

Living a Rich Life: Aligning Your Money With Your Values – Episode #528

Where do finances fit in the formula for living a rich life? After all, a truly rich life should include...

10 Mistakes That Could Cost You $10K or More – Part 1 – Episode #525

It takes hard work to run a profitable practive. Hard work that can be ruined by the financial perils that...

3 Fitness Principles That Will Improve Your Finances – Episode #523

There are numerous correlations that can be drawn between maintaining good physical health and building your wealth. And while the...

Financial Advisors vs AI: The Power of Human Insight – Episode #520

Everyone seems to be worried about the threat of artificial intelligence on jobs in the future. Funny thing though, it...

10 Popular Financial Strategies: Overrated or Underrated? – Episode #518

We’re constantly bombarded with information about how to improve our financial well-being—there seems to be no shortage of ways to...

Maximizing Returns: The Role of Time in Investing – Episode #515

Our brains are wired to think linearly. As a result, the long-term returns of some investments often surprise us. But...

Why Less Is More: Insights from ‘The Paradox of Choice’ – Episode #513

Everyday decisions have become increasingly complex due to the staggering number of options we have. In his seminal work, The...