Risk is a tricky topic—a “squishy” term that means different things to different people and situations. The dictionary defines risk...
The most popular movie villain in recent years has been Thanos, the big bad purple dude at the center of...
Amanda Bateman on the Health and Wealth podcast with Carter and Tim
Amanda recently was the guest on the Health and Wealth podcast with Carter Wilcoxson and Tim James. With a goal...
Retirement planning isn’t what most people would call a fun time, but there have to be reasons why the average...
Money: The Basics and a Little History
What is money? It’s a simple question—one that former Planet Money host, Ira Glass called, “the most stoner question” he’d...
I’ve realized that while I’ve mentioned cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in a few articles in the past, I’ve never really dedicated...
The 3 Types of Investment Accounts
These first few weeks of the year are when those who’ve made New Year’s resolutions are trying to establish new...
I recently came across an investing story that made my stomach churn. The story is from Vice and written by...
Jason Zweig, long-time investment writer and author of one of the best weekly finance blogs called The Intelligent Investor, was...
Should You Max Out Your 401(k)
I’ve been getting quite a few questions about 401(k)s lately; mainly people asking if they should contribute to their 401(k)...
What Type of Car Can You Afford?
It was brought to my attention that lately a lot of my posts have been more philosophical in nature and...