Financial Vegetables

​​For most kids, at least the kids I grew up around, the idea of eating vegetables is not an appealing...

Where Do I Start?

Where do I start? It’s such a simple financial question that most are afraid to ask. The ubiquity of money...

Uncertain Times

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about this week and was thinking about different topics when this...

Is it Time to Sell?

Should you be thinking about selling your investments in the stock market? I’m hearing this question more and more lately....

Is Your House a Good Investment?

For the majority of Americans, their home is their biggest financial asset. And it’s not really that close. For the...

Gain by Giving

He owned a villa in Tuscany, a private island in New Zealand, and a penthouse in San Francisco. He drove...

What Do You Want To Do?

Morgan Housel has written that, for him, the highest form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning...

Things Overlooked

Every martial arts movie is the same. From Kung Fu Panda to The Karate Kid, it’s a story of a...

Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt?

I get this question a lot. Like most questions about life and money, the real answer is: It depends on...

Market Corrections

The stock market has been a little bit crazy the past couple of weeks. There has been a lot of...

Playing the Wrong Game

In 1626, the king of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, decided he wanted a new ship. And not just any ship. He...

Some Thoughts on Inflation

In the last couple of weeks, the U.S. inflation rate hit its highest level in 40 years at more than...