Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.


The Summit Experience: Women’s Money Circle Takeaways – Episode #540

Why does money evoke such deep emotions? Discover what participants in the Women’s Money Circle, held at the recent Dentist Money Summit, learned about their relationship with money and why incorporating personal values into financial decisions brings clarity. On this Dentist Money Show, Matt, Victoria, Lauren, and Productive Dentist Academy’s Christine Uhen, share their experiences … Continued

How to Avoid Bad Loans

You’re a dentist and you need loans. Nothing wrong with leveraging debt to accelerate your growth. But do you know...

The People Who Ruin a Dentist’s Retirement – Episode 62

Did you hear about the dentist who lost his shorts in a scam? No? That’s because nobody likes to tell...

The Hidden Costs that Delay a Dentist’s Retirement – Episode 61

A few hundred here, a few thousand there. Overspending on insurance, loans, supplies, staff, benefits, and personal life may seem...

The Truth About Real Estate Ownership – Episode 60

Real estate can be an excellent investment. But many dentists delay their retirement by doing the wrong deal at the...

Is Now the Time to Refinance Your Loans? – Episode 59

Student loans, practice loans, real estate loans. Dentists and debt go together like presidential elections and economic uncertainty. With speculation...

When is it Time to Hire a Financial Advisor? – Episode 58

How do you know when it’s time to hire a financial advisor? For a lot of dentists there’s a trigger...

Is Your Permanent Life Insurance Policy Killing Your Retirement? – Episode 57

There are two types of people in the world: those who have heard a sales pitch about permanent life insurance,...

What You Need to Know About Bonds. Your Bonds. – Episode 56

Do you know the difference between a stock and a bond? Maybe you do. But even if you grasp the...

Six Keys to Powerful Investment Portfolios – Episode 55

Have you ever looked at your investment statements and wondered if your returns are as good as they could be?...

Fixing Your 401(k) the Matt Bradley Way – Episode 54

If your office has a qualified retirement plan like a 401(k), chances are you’re paying fees you didn’t know existed...

Everything You Need to Know About Retirement Plans – Episode 53

IRA? 401(k)? Profit sharing plan? Pension? Mosts dentists know that choosing the right plan will put them on a faster...

Lisa Knowles Presents Dentistry’s Broadway Show – Episode 52

Lisa Knowles opened her dental practice in 2005… two years before the recession… in Michigan. With economic conditions stacked against her,...