Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.


The Summit Experience: Women’s Money Circle Takeaways – Episode #540

Why does money evoke such deep emotions? Discover what participants in the Women’s Money Circle, held at the recent Dentist Money Summit, learned about their relationship with money and why incorporating personal values into financial decisions brings clarity. On this Dentist Money Show, Matt, Victoria, Lauren, and Productive Dentist Academy’s Christine Uhen, share their experiences … Continued

What it Means to Have a Four-Dimensional Practice

In this WRDC edition of Dentist Money™, Reese Harper, CFP® welcomes Amy Deschamps, Owner of D4Metrics Dental Consulting, who explains...

Do You Turn Your Back on These Front Office Mistakes? – Episode 75

Do you know what’s happening in your front office? Has your staff been properly trained to offer appointments, ask for...

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Finance in Dentistry

Should I buy an existing practice or start a new one? Should I lease or purchase my office space? What...

What Beanie Babies Can Teach Dentists About Money – Episode 74

Have you ever made a financial decision on the grounds that “everyone else is doing it?” When all the facts...

Avoiding Surprise Visits from Uncle Sam

Have you ever been blindsided by a hefty tax bill at the end of the year? All the moving parts...

Should You Pay Down Debt or Invest? – Episode 73

Let’s say you have an extra $30,000 in cash. You can pay down a loan with a 6% interest rate...

Are Your Marketing Dollars Going to Waste? – Episode 72

Marketing pioneer John Wanamaker said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know...

One Way You’re Probably Losing Money on Your Investments – Episode 71

Remember the last time your retirement account took a hit? A lot of people do. You might have questioned the...

5 Mistakes Dentists Make to Fall Behind the Competition – Episode 70

Do you ever wonder if you’re overlooking simple business fundamentals? Do you struggle to articulate your priorities as a practice...

4 Common Ways Dentists Lose Money – Episode 69

Did you know the average American wastes 55 minutes a day, or about 12 days a year, looking for things...

The Key to Controlling Your #1 Expense

Think about the cost of hiring the wrong person. You forked out time and money for the job posting, interview...

The Key to Controlling Your #1 Expense (YDC)

Think about the cost of hiring the wrong person. You forked out time and money for the job posting, interview...