Ryan Isaac, CFP®

Co-founder / Sr. Advisor

Co-Founder of Dentist Advisors and host of the Dentist Money™ Show, Ryan Isaac is a trusted financial advisor to dentists across the country. As a regular speaker at dental events nationwide, Ryan shares his expertise in portfolio management, debt reduction, tax management, retirement plans, profit-sharing plans, and insurance. He is a CFP® with deep financial planning expertise and has been a major contributor to the growth of Dentist Advisors, including the development of the Elements financial planning system™.

My Content

What are the tax advantages of a 401(k)?

Is a 401(k) the right retirement plan option for your practice? Besides providing a desired employee benefit, there may be...

Why is time frame so critical to investing?

Many investors are questioning whether they should follow Warren Buffett’s current strategy of investing in T-bills. Ryan Isaac offers his...

Listener Q&R #3 – Buying a Practice, Warren Buffett, Overhead Insurance – Episode #430

You’re coming out of dental school and thinking of buying a practice? What factors should you consider before making such...

4 Money Must-dos During a Volatile Economy

Worries about inflation and recession continue to remain top of mind for many. Join Ryan Isaac, CFP® and Will Gochnour,...

Is it difficult to build wealth outside of dentistry?

When it comes to wealth accumulation, the slow grind of dentistry can often make it seem tedious. However, Ryan and...

Why Dentistry Remains a Dentist’s Best Wealth-Building Tool – Episode #428

Accumulating wealth throughout a career is a goal for most dentists. But the slow grind of dentistry can often make...

How is buying a practice similar to buying stocks?

There are many types of stocks with diverse characteristics—just like dental practices—which makes it easier to compare how valuations are...

Portfolio Management: The Nuts and Bolts of Stock Diversification – Episode #426

If you took a scientific approach and invested logically, would you know what long-term returns you might expect? That’s exactly...

Why One Big Mistake Can Ruin Your Retirement – Episode #422

“The first rule of an investment is don’t lose money. And the second rule of an investment is don’t forget...

5 Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Investing – Episode #420

Most people have irrational fears, like a fear of flying, of heights, or spiders, or snakes. Fear is a product...

The Many Sides to Stocks: Understanding Factor Investing

Not all stocks are the same. Join Ryan Isaac, CFP®, Matt Mulcock, CFP®, and Rabih Dimachki, CFA, for a live...

4 Places Money Should Go During Uncertain Times – Episode #418

Money comes in and you pay your taxes, debts, and living expenses. Then what? Where should the rest go so...