If you’re in the dark about what’s happening in the financial world, you might get caught off guard during bad market turns and fear can derail your retirement plans. Staying informed is a good habit that can help keep you on track. We try to make it easy by providing our readers with a summary of headlines and investment news from the past quarter in an easy-to-digest format.
Let us Catch You Up
If you don’t have a lot of time, just check out pages 3 and 4. You’ll see the overall performance of stocks and bonds this quarter on page 3, and page 4 gives you an overview of major news events over the past 3 months.
An outline is included below, but be sure to download a full copy of the quarterly market review summary.
Click Here to Get the Q1 Market Review
Notable Q1 Headlines
- S&P 500 Turns Positive for the Year
- Global Currencies Soar, Defying Central Bankers
- China Market Drop Leads to Worries of Further Turmoil
Q1 Index Returns
- U.S Market +0.97%
- Developed -1.95%
- Emerging +5.17%
- Real Estate (+6.94%)
- US Bond (+3.03%)
- Global Bond (+4.16%)