4 Ways to Grow Your Practice with Social Media – Episode 121

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How does social media influence the type of patients you attract? Beyond new patients, how can social media be used to grow your business? In this interview at the Greater New York Dental Meeting, Reese Harper, CFP® interviews Jack Hadley, founding partner of My Social Practice and MBA professor of social media marketing. Jack explains how social media can be used to strengthen relationships, describes some simple methods dentists can use to create effective content, and talks about leveraging your “alpha” audience to grow faster.

Show notes:

Podcast Transcript:

Reese Harper: Welcome to the Dentist Money™ Show, where we help dentists make smart financial decisions. I’m your host, Reese Harper, recording live on the show floor at the Greater New York Dental Meeting with the legend from the Wasatch himself, Jack Hadley.

Jack Hadley: Legend, huh? (laughs) thanks.

Reese Harper: How are you doing, Jack?

Jack Hadley: I’m doing well.

Reese Harper: Good! It’s good to have you here, man.
Jack Hadley: It’s nice to be here.

Reese Harper: We’re catching you in between a flight from New York to Montreal, and we were luckily able to steal you in for this interview, which I’m excited about because social media is one of the hottest topics at every trade show these days. My Social Practice, your business, has really grown and taken off in the last decade, and you guys have done an amazing job at helping practices with this topic that’s really top of mind. I think this interview is going to be one where we will be able to share a lot of cool insight that you have been able to gather over the years, and people will be lucky to hear this one. I’m excited! Thanks for coming on.

Jack Hadley: Yeah, thanks for inviting me! I’m glad to be here.

Reese Harper: So, let’s go right into something that I kind of thought was interesting from yesterday. You spoke twice here at the convention, and one of the things that kind of stood out to me was this idea about how dentists can retain patients and attract patients and different ways to grow their practice, basically, through social media. And you kind of listed a few things that I hadn’t really heard of anyone talk to me about before, which is, what are different ways that dentists can make money in their practice with their patients, right? Kind of help our listeners hear those before we jump into some social media specific issues.

Jack Hadley: Okay, great! When I lecture about the value of social media marketing in building a dental practice, I often talk about four different ways that practices can grow using social media. When you think about how dental practices grow their businesses, there is really four ways that they can increase the income and grow their practices, and I always think about those four ways in terms of how social media can help support them. Number one is kind of obvious, that’s getting new patients. And that’s kind of the one that most of the time, that’s the only one they think about sometimes. Certainly, social media can help with that, but equally as important are these other three ways, one of which is to decrease attrition in the practice and better retain the patients that they already have so that they don’t have to go out and find as many new patients. Studies show that about 68% of the patients who leave a practice leave because they don’t feel like the doctor really cares if they leave or not (laughs). There’s no relationship that is strengthening there!

Reese Harper: As a patient, you don’t feel like your doctor even necessarily remembers that you didn’t come in, or that you’re even a part of the practice. I know I have felt that before myself at different points in my life with different dentists where I’m like “I don’t even think they’d notice.”

Jack Hadley: I think that’s really the case. And only about 30% leave because you either stop taking their insurance, or they die, or they move away, or you make them mad or whatever. The bulk of them leave because they just feel indifferent. There is indifference about whether or not they’re your patient! So, strengthening that relationship through social media is a huge way to better grow your business. Then the third and fourth ways I often think about at talk about are, number three is to help patients be more consistent in their recare and in supporting the practice, and at the same time, opting into better treatment acceptance. Social media can be used when it strengthens that loyalty to make patients more consistent. For example with my dentist, I feel loyalty to him. I feel a real bond with him personally, and a lot of that has happened through social media, and I wouldn’t dream of not showing up for a hygiene appointment or whatever, or calling at the last second and canceling. Like, I just wouldn’t do that, because I have a relationship with him.

Reese Harper: You don’t want to let him down, because you don’t want to be that gap in his schedule. And you want to see him, actually.

Jack Hadley: Absolutely. And then in terms of better treatment acceptance, if there are some recommendations that my doctor has made for me, social media can be used to then follow up and sort of strengthen that recommendation. Sometimes, patients are recommended certain treatment, and they don’t really understand it very well, or they don’t really know what the ramifications are, and social media can be used to help that patient accept the treatment more often.

Reese Harper: Interesting. You have mentioned new treatments as well. Maybe things they haven’t heard of?

Jack Hadley: Yeah, what we have found with a lot of the practices that we work with, they will maybe add a service of some kind. For example, they might start doing sleep apnea treatment, or maybe they add sedation, or maybe they’re adding implants. One of our practice clients recently added cold sore therapy to their list of services. Well nobody knows what that means or what it is!

Reese Harper: Yeah, my wife goes to a dentist because it was the first place that did pH-level testing on her, and she really wanted to understand what kind of products she should be using for her specific— I don’t know anything about this, so I’m like totally out of my league here— but there was some product she really like that this dentist was supporting, and it was something that she was made more aware of through her online experience. I don’t know if she got the information from social media, but I know that social media could have served as a way for her to get more content around that subject. And it just seems obvious that that would be a great— it seems like when someone hears you go through these three or four issues on how people should be utilizing social media… they seem very intuitive. It seems like most people are only using that first category, or thinking about social media as a way to drive new patients.

Jack Hadley: Yeah. And the main reason for that that I have found, Reese, is because for many decades, marketing companies that market to the dental industry have hoped to sort of capitalize on this “get new patient” hysteria. And so what you hear is people who don’t even have good ideas for getting good patients! We’ll put up a big banner or something that says “Get new patients! Get new patients! Get new patients!” Because they know somehow when they push that button, dentists go, “whoa! That’s what I need. New patients, new patients” (laughs).
Reese Harper: That is the marketing button to push (laughs).

Jack Hadley: It is the buzzword of the day, baby.

Reese Harper: So, how do I use social media to get new patients? Like, how does that happen?

Jack Hadley: Well, there is a premise, or kind of a foundational concept that needs to be talked about and understood before you get down into the weeds too far. And I have found that there are a lot of misconceptions about social media marketing and its overlap with what I would call using social media to advertise. A lot of times, one of the first things that I talk about when I lecture is to make sure that the doctor understands the difference between advertising on Facebook and using Facebook for social media marketing. They are two completely different animals! And the problem is, because they both have something to do with Facebook, most dentists say, “oh, well I guess that’s the same thing.” And I don’t blame them for that! I mean, it took me weeks and weeks myself to figure out the real distinction here and to get it straight in my head. So, advertising, Facebook advertising— and there are lots of marketing companies out there that are really pitching hard Facebook advertising to dentists right now. I mean, every time I turn around, I see another company jumping in on this bandwagon. The thing that is really really important is to understand that Facebook advertising is exactly the same strategy as any other form of advertising. So in the old days, we used to advertise on a billboard, or in the yellow pages, or maybe we would have our direct mail company print 10,000 postcards and we would drop it in certain zip codes with the hope that three people would see the card and need a new dentist and give us a call. In other words, it was marketing to the anonymous masses with the hope that three people would see the card and need a new dentist and give us a call. In other words, it was marketing to the anonymous masses with the hope that a few people would fall out of the bottom of that funnel and become patients. That’s what traditional advertising is. And that’s exactly what Facebook advertising is! It’s just running the billboard or the direct mail card—you’re running it on Facebook. But it has really nothing to do with relationships. It has nothing to do with social media. It’s advertising! It just happens to be on Facebook.

Reese Harper: Yeah. Understanding that distinction is the first step towards remedying it.

Jack Hadley: Well, I wouldn’t say remedying it, because in many cases, Facebook advertising can be very effective.

Reese Harper: Maybe remedying the fact that you don’t have a culture of social media, or you don’t have a plan on how you’re going to build relationships through social media.

Jack Hadley: And I think the important point is that when you’re thinking about, “oh, should I be doing advertising on Facebook, or should I be using Facebook better as a social media marketing tool?” You have to think about the kinds of patients that those two strategies will invite to the practice. Most practices and most doctors would agree that word of mouth marketing—getting patients from people who already love you and refer you—is typically a better patient than somebody who just happens to find you on the internet or whatever. Now, that’s not always the case. I’m not saying that’s a done deal and it’s always like that. However, when you use social media marketing– which is basically word-of-mouth on steroids kind of—if you use social media marketing in a way to get better referrals and to turn your patients and the people that already love you into advocates for the practice, you’ll attract a patient with a different mindset and maybe a little better patient I think than if you’re simply running billboards on Facebook, which is basically what Facebook advertising is.

Reese Harper: Yeah. I had a conversation with Gary DeWood at the Spear Center yesterday, and he said that there are these consumer type patients who are—they’re probably highly motivated by price or by an advertisement, and they’re kind of looking for that. When they shop for a dentist, they might be thinking, “where can I get the best deal?” And then there are people who are looking for an experience or a relationship or a referral or the highest quality provider or someone who has good reputation. It seems like what you’re saying is, there’s a big difference between the type of consumer that maybe advertising might attract. And not that that’s wrong for certain practices, right? I mean, I’m thinking like Clear Choice for example. You have a big national brand that is targeting a very specific pain point, either don’t have teeth—I mean, it’s a very specific type of advertisement you can run, and it probably does attract a certain type of individual looking for that advertisement.

Jack Hadley: Yeah. It does. And I don’t want to in any way have the idea here be that I think Facebook advertising is not right for any practice, because if you are a practice that maybe doesn’t need tons of new patients but you would like to get the very best patients, I don’t know that Facebook advertising is the right way. I think what I would do is recommend more a social media marketing strategy. You can still spend some money boosting good content, because boosting content on Facebook is kind of sort of a little bit kind of like advertising (laughs), but what you’re doing is you’re engaging with people who already like you or follow you to then kind of spread the word on that side of the equation. Now some practices, we have clients all the time who say, “hey. I’ll take any patient I can get. Like, I’ll take ‘em all! I’ll take the ones who are just looking for the cheapest deal, and they happen to see an ad on Facebook, and they call cuz it’s free x-rays,” or whatever the little spiff is you’re offering. “I’ll take those patients, and I’ll take referrals too.” And if that’s the case, I think you can utilize both sides of the equation. The only caution that I have, though, and I know this from experience from working with a lot of practices that if you want to go down the road of Facebook advertising, I really think you have to have a pretty decent budget commitment. In other words, if you only have a few hundred bucks—let’s say you have like 500 bucks to throw at Facebook or whatever. I think that 500 bucks is much better spent boosting good social media marketing content rather than running adds. I think unless you have a couple grand—and I’m just throwing this out there. It would depend on your circumstances. But generally speaking, if you don’t have a commitment of maybe a couple a thousand a month to put at Facebook advertising, honestly, I haven’t seen it be very effective.

Reese Harper: Interesting. That’s great insight. So, that was the context when I asked you, how do we get new patients using social media? That was the context you gave us, but I think in that context you kind of answered the question, too, somewhat. How would you kind of answer that question of, now that I know the distinction between advertising and social media marketing? Maybe we should just clarify what social media marketing means for people who maybe haven’t adopted the right plan or haven’t adopted a plan at all. Now we know what advertising is, what is the social media marketing side?

Jack Hadley: The way I usually talk about social media marketing is, I talk about the concept of push versus pull. And the way that I explain that is that there are two different types of content that you publish on social media when you have a social media marketing strategy. The first piece of content, or the first type of content is content that is generated by the practice. That’s content that you publish, that you put out, that you post on Facebook, that you post maybe on Twitter. It’s the kind of video that maybe you upload to YouTube and then embed that in other places. Or maybe you’re doing a blog post, or maybe you’re sending out email to your patient base. All of that kind of content is practice-generated content. And the best kind of content for a practice to generate is content that does three or four things—either one or more of these following things. Either it’s content that has no real deep objective other than to be noticed and maybe to bring a smile to someone’s face and engage. In other words, most content that effective practices push out on social media doesn’t have much at all to do with dentistry (laughs), with selling dentistry. It’s stuff that engages people. So, we had a practice recently that did a little contest to give away tickets to the county fair, because in their community, the county fair is a big big deal! And so, when they had two of their team members take a really great photo of them in front of the practice holding some tickets, it was very engaging. It was a great branding photo; it branded the practice really well. But it didn’t talk about dentistry, they talked about this little contest where they were giving away tickets to the county fair, and they asked people, “comment on this post and tell us what you’re looking forward to most at the county fair. What kind of food do you like? What do you like to visit? Do you take your family? Tell us what you love most about the fair, and then we’re randomly going to pick some winners and give away some tickets.” That kind of content does really well on social media, because people like it! It’s share-worthy. They care about it (laughs). I always say if you give people a reason to care, you give them a reason to share. And if they share, that’s how social media marketing grows. That’s how more people in the community hear about your practice. It raises the top-of-mind awareness.

Reese Harper: That’s awesome. So, that’s what the difference between social—you said that was the number one thing on the—

Jack Hadley: Yeah. That’s the push part. That’s the stuff that the practice generates. The other side of the equation is—

Reese Harper: Before you jump to that, you said there’s content that I generate for my practice, but there’s another type of content I can push, which was…

Jack Hadley: Yeah, actually three or four. One of them is engagement, stuff that engages, like I just mentioned. Number two, we have found, stuff that is about the practice culture in some way, or about the people. The team members. So, for example, let’s say that your hygienist recently got nominated as the secretary for the PTA at the local elementary school. I mean, talk about that! People like doing business with people they know and like, and social media is a way to highlight team members. Maybe you have a team member that’s running her first 10K, and she’s been training for it, and she’s doing it for charity.

Reese Harper: Or in my case, maybe a 5K.

Jack Hadley: (laughs) so, things that would endear the team to the public, that’s a really good type of content, and it’s not hard to generate, because they are your team members! You work with them every day; you know them; it’s not hard to figure out.

Reese Harper: The third one?

Jack Hadley: The third one I usually talk about is, it’s okay to talk about dentistry– like, I don’t think you can never talk about dentistry– but when you do, I think it’s a lot more effective to talk about dentistry from the patient’s point of view if you can. So for example, we have a lot of practices that are putting in these one appointment crown systems, the CEREC types of systems. Rather than showing a picture of the machine and beating your chest and saying, “we’re amazing because we just dropped a ton of money on this CEREC system,” talk about it from the patient’s point of view and say, “you know, we’ve brought this in because we care so much about the convenience and comfort of our patients. Here’s an opportunity for you, if you need a crown, to not have to take work of twice, come in, and take care of it in one appointment.” And maybe even have a little interview, maybe much like we’re doing here, with a patient that is going to have a one appointment crown done. And maybe even on Facebook Live! Obviously, you want to get the permission of the patient, because you need their consent to publish anything showing a patient, but that’s not hard to do. But talking about dentistry from the patient’s point of view can be really effective as well.

Reese Harper: I think that’s really crucial. That’s awesome. Okay, so the second thing that we talked about in your original list of four—you have a lot of lists here, man. This is awesome!

Jack Hadley: (laughs) it’s too much.

Reese Harper: No, it’s not too much at all! Those are the kind of things our listeners love. So number two would be, you said that practices can grow by retaining their patients. The first one was, we can get new patients, and the second one was we can kind of retain and not lose people. I guess, how does that happen with social media?

Jack Hadley: In simple terms, it’s just about strengthening that relationship and trying your best to overcome that indifference of why people leave. When you have a strong relationship—I mean, think about it. This is not rocket science. Anybody who is in business would probably agree—I don’t care what kind of business it is— is a relationship with the customer is a positive think to have? Obviously! If you say, “nah, I don’t know. Relationship with the customer? Not that big of a deal.” If that’s your mindset, then maybe you shouldn’t be in business (laughs).

Reese Harper: So, how are you building that relationship with a customer? Is it through those push social media strategies you talked about? Is that how you use social media to strengthen the relationship with the customer?

Jack Hadley: Yeah, in many ways, it has a lot to do with those push strategies. The think that’s also interesting—and I know I’m jumping from list to list here—

Reese Harper: No, that’s fine! I’m keeping track of you perfectly.

Jack Hadley: Okay, good (laughs). When we talked about these different push strategies that are the things that practices are pushing out, the other side of the equation also strengthens the relationship with the patient, because the other side of the equation, the pull strategy, is having ways to enlist your patient base to help you market. When you have your core audience—and I always call the 10% of your patients that would do anything for you… I think that’s your core. It’s kind of like your alpha audience. Like, you might have 2,000 patients of record or whatever, and maybe 1,900 of them don’t even like you. I mean, I don’t know (laughs). Maybe they only come to you because you’re close by, or you take their insurance, or whatever. So, let’s not worry about those guys. Let’s worry about those other couple of hundred that are really our alpha audience. It’s that 10%. It’s the ones that have been with you a long time. They appreciate what you do. They utilize a lot of your services. They’re consistent in their recare and the things that they do. Enlisting them to help share the story of the practice is one of the most powerful parts of social media. And the way that you often do that—there are two or three ways to do it—one of them is to ask that alpha audience to leave reviews of your practice. Reviews are a big big big deal. And so, when you ask a patient who already loves you if they would mind leaving you a review, 90% of the time, they’ll say, “well, of course I’ll leave you a review, I love you guys! Why haven’t you asked me before now?” and they’ll leave you a nice review! And when someone endorses you in that way, it just strengthens the relationship even more, because now, they’re even out in the public talking about how much they love their dentist, and it’s reinforcing to that relationship.

Reese Harper: Okay, so is that what you mean by pull strategy?

Jack Hadley: That’s one of them. Absolutely!

Reese Harper: What are some of the other ways that you can pull?

Jack Hadley: A couple of other ways that we help our practices that we work with pull that… many times, it’s by taking a photo inside the practice. And that’s why we developed this photo booth that we developed. We have found in testing this that when a patient is in the practice, they are not really that hot on like, logging in to your system to take a photo or leave a review or whatever. So, we built this iPad photo app so that a patient can just walk up to the iPad, take a selfie, have a little fun with some stickers and a few things, and then text that selfie to their own cell phone, and it’s all branded with your practice branding. And then with one touch, they can share that on their social media channels. So again, that is not you saying it, that’s not you pushing out content, it’s the patient pushing out content to their social media channels. And then they tag the practice, and that way, it’s the patient talking about not you talking. And so that’s another way in addition to reviews is taking photos inside the practice.

Reese Harper: Yeah, that’s super effective.

Jack Hadley: It’s really effective.

Reese Harper: So the third thing in our original list was the idea of patients being more consistent and this recare idea. Again, we’re talking about these push and pull strategies that probably reinforce that consistency. Is there anything else that comes to mind in that topic?

Jack Hadley: On that third topic, there’s some crossover from that second and third– retaining the patient and getting them to be more consistent—that has to do with just building trust. I mentioned that I’m consistent, for example, in my hygiene care, in my recare, because of the loyalty I feel to my dentist. I just wouldn’t dream of snuffing him or not being consistent in my care. Also, social media is often times used to better educate the patient on the importance of consistent care. So for example, let’s say that a practice writes a little blog post about oral cancer. Maybe it’s oral cancer awareness month, and many of our practices do lots of social media campaigning during oral cancer awareness month. I think it’s April of each year. And so, they’re publishing things about oral cancer, and when their fans and followers and patients see that, it’s a reminder to them that “gosh, I probably shouldn’t be missing my appointments simply because, oral cancer is kind of a big deal!” I mean, it’s treatable and curable, as I understand it, almost 100% of the time if you catch it early! So, I’m not going to miss my recare appointments, because I like that the doctor checks for oral cancer. And that’s a way that social media can better support that consistency from the patient.

Reese Harper: Okay, that makes a lot of sense. And then on the new side of getting them to understand new services, that probably leans more towards—well again, it’s the push and pull, but talk to me a little bit about the new services. How do I make people aware of that in a tactful way?

Jack Hadley: Well, a lot of studies that I’ve read conclude that doctors are often surprised that not very many of their patients actually know all of the things that they do. Like, most of us are just like, “oh, I go to the dentist, and he cleans my teeth, and… let’s see. If I have a cavity, he’ll fix it, but…” like, other than that, we don’t really think much about it. And we have lots of practices that are doing a lot more kinds of services.

Reese Harper: So, patients aren’t really aware sometimes of—I was just making this comment earlier today that when I’m in—let’s say I’m doing a comprehensive exam, I don’t really know exactly what that means. I don’t really know what I paid my $200 dollars for. I know really now, because I’ve asked a lot of times what happens. But I remember when I first went in kind of wondering, “what did I just pay for?” Well first, there was an oral cancer screening performed, and this is what the doctor did. In order to do an oral cancer screening, he’s actually moving your tongue over here and looking here, and then he’s checking if you have any lumps. I mean, that’s one thing. Then the hygienist, she’s actually taking this like tool, and she’s measuring the pockets in your teeth, and they’re listing all these things that— I mean, that’s never happened to me yet. I’m just saying as a patient, I have a lot of dentists that are friends and clients and they go over this a lot, but at the time of care or through social media, I’m not really aware of what it means to get a comprehensive exam. And even more than that, there could be a post educating me not just what a comprehensive exam is, but what periodontal pocket measurement is all about, right?

Jack Hadley: Yeah. In fact, one of our clients has been using Facebook live to do this little Q&A session. So, all he does— and it’s really simple— he uses the iPhone on the little tripod. He turns on and goes live, and he looks in the camera, and he simply answers a question. So one of our clients recently did that, and turned on the camera and said, “you know, I often get asked, why do we check these pockets? Like, why do we check these pockets? Like, why do you hear the hygienists say 3 2 1, 1 2 3, or whatever. So, let me explain that real quick!” And so, he goes on to maybe spend ten minutes and explains what that is. He just looks in the camera, goes live, and just explains what that means and why it’s so important in assessing the periodontal health of the patient, because patients don’t know what that means! So, it’s really easy.

Reese Harper: And they don’t know what they’re paying for sometimes, and that really helps a lot!

Jack Hadley: It helps a lot. So now, when they spend a couple hundred bucks, if they have learned more about the value of what you have done, you’ve reinforced that. And it’s also, what is really cool about social media I think is the transparency that comes from that kind of engagement with the patient. When I teach my MBA class— I teach social media marketing— we always talk about this concept of transference, which means that if you are perceived as being straightforward, accessible, honest, and transparent in one area of your business, people assume that you’re the same way in other areas of your business. So, if you look into the camera on Facebook Live and you explain to someone from the bottom of your heart in a true way why you’re doing the things that you’re doing, not only do they now say, “oh, well I see why that costs money to do that,” but the trust level also just goes through the ceiling. They think to themselves, “you know, if he’s this way in this part of his business, he’s likely this way in other parts of his business! He probably gets the best CE. He probably uses the best materials. He probably doesn’t over-treat. He probably cares about the relationship. He doesn’t overcharge.” I mean, transference is a big part of social media.

Reese Harper: Wow, I really like that. I think that so many of these concepts are just really overlooked around what social media’s purpose is. How would you encourage people to think about social media generally? How would you encourage them to change, or how would you frame why someone does social media?

Jack Hadley: Yeah. Well, what’s interesting is nine years ago when we started My Social Practice, I think that the number one question that I was asked in those early days was, “Jack, why on earth would somebody like their dentist on Facebook? Like, that doesn’t make any sense.” And the reason is, nine years ago, really no business were using social media. Social media was a personal space sort of deal, right? Facebook was that way. We forget that the marketing component of social media is a fairly recent occurence. And so, what has happened is now that businesses are using social media, they are trying to figure out the answer to that very question. What is it, and why would it benefit? I think the way to think about it is kind of two ideas. The takeaway from all of this visit today can kind of be boiled down to two ideas. I think the first one is that effective social media marketing does not start online. It always starts inside the practice. Sometimes, doctors get kind of wooed into thinking that maybe somebody else can maybe publish content on their social media pages for them, because they have cute graphics or whatever, and somehow people will see that, and it will somehow help grow the business. But what happens is, the practices that are effective always start inside the practice, whether that’s with a photo with a team member or some kind of a post from a patient, whether that’s a review, or a photo from a review, or it’s some kind of a Facebook Live like I mentioned, it’s a little Q&A about an answer to an oral health question. Those are all things that are generated inside the practice and then spread online. So, it always starts in the practice, and if you think about it that way, it will really change your mindset about what social media marketing is. And then the second big idea I think is that social media is not about finding strangers to be new patients. In other words in the old days, we used to stick a push pin in the map where the practice was and then draw a circle around the push pin of a so many mile radius, and then try to find the strangers who need a dentist, whether they’re new move-ins or whatever. It’s not about turning strangers into new patients, it’s about turning patients into advocates. And when you turn patients into advocates, the word spreads. Online word of mouth is really what social media marketing is.

Reese Harper: That’s great, Jack. I really appreciate it. This is definitely social media market 401, here. This is your advanced class. We pounded like twelve weeks, one semester, into a podcast interview. I really appreciate it. I think what we want to do is make this happen again next year in New York, okay? You and I see each other along the Wasatch Front occasionally, and so we probably won’t have to travel to New York to do the podcast (laughs).

Jack Hadley: Let’s do it more often! That would be fun. I think we might have overwhelmed everybody (laughs).

Reese Harper: No, our listeners like a lot in a short period of time, so this is good. They’re on a hyper 25 to 30 minute commute, and they want to have the whole twelve-week course as fast as possible. Anyway, thanks for coming on today, we really appreciate it. How do people get in touch with My Social Practice if they want to learn a little bit more about how this all works?

Jack Hadley: Well I think the best way is to go to mysocialpractice.com, and if you feel like you’re to a point where you really want to know what we do, then schedule a little demo, and one of our team members will share a screen with you for fifteen or twenty minutes and kind of show you what we do. If you don’t feel like you’re ready to become a client, here’s what I’d recommend that you do. Go to our website, mysocialpractice.com, click on the blog tab, and subscribe to our content. I’m telling you, we have built My Social Practice kind of on one premise: we give away our very best thinking. And not only our thinking, but we write unbelievably helpful e-books that are free. And you don’t have to be our client; anybody can download them. The reason we do that is because we have found that the better we can educate dentists on how social media marketing works, eventually, they come back and want to know what we do to help practices. We give away our very best stuff. So, subscribe to the blog, download our stuff, and we’ll send you our e-books each time we publish one. Use that to grow your business, whether you are our client or not! Do it.

Reese Harper: That’s great advice, Jack. I really appreciate it, and I look forward to seeing your success in the future in everything you guys keep doing. I know there are a lot of dentists that we have interacted with, and we share a lot of mutual clients that really feel like you guys have been a good solution for this problem. So, thanks a lot, and we’ll look forward to having you back on again soon.

Jack Hadley: Thanks Reese!

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