Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.

How Much Cash Do I Need to Keep Around?

By Reese Harper, CFP® , CEO of Dentist Advisors

Executive Summary Each of us has an optimal path for wealth creation given our backgrounds, strengths, and interests. Because most...

3 Critical Ingredients for Your Decision-Making Recipe – Episode 156

Learn how to take your decision making beyond the pros and cons. You hear it at the beginning of every show:...

What are the Hidden Costs of Timing the Market? – Episode 153

The actual cost of market timing could be higher than you’re willing to pay. On this episode of Dentist Money™,...

The Naked Truth About Being Afraid – Episode 142

What do sharks, snakes, surfing, and mosquitoes have in common? In this episode of Dentist Money™ you’ll find out as...

Four Harmful Investment Behaviors and How to Avoid Them – Episode 125

What do guinea worms, selfies, and sharks have to with behavioral finance? You’ll be surprised how they fit together in...

The Keys to Better Investment Performance

Learn how Dentist Advisors’ academic and customized approach to investing can put dentists on a predictable path to more wealth

Why Dentists Retire Seven Years Later than the Average American

Learn the common hurdles that keep dentists from reaching financial independence on schedule

How to Keep Your Practice from Hitting a Plateau – Episode 111

What does it take to build a business beyond yourself? Even if you’re the only producer, how can you maintain...

When Will the Stock Market Bubble Burst? – Episode 104

When can we expect the next major market correction? Plenty of experts have weighed in recently as financial markets continue...

7 Signs You’re About to Get Hosed – Episode 89

Have you ever jumped on an investment bandwagon that went south? As a successful dentist you’re a prime target for...

Do Your Investments Suffer Because of Where You Live? – Episode 87

Pledge allegiance to the flag, support the troops, and cheer for your favorite Olympian. There’s nothing wrong with a little...

Why Dentists Retire 6 Years Later Than the Average American – Episode 80

How is it possible that the average dentists retires later than the average American? Income can’t be the reason —...