Financial Education Library for Dentists

Our financial education library is filled with dental-specific insights on investing, retirement planning, personal finance, tax management, insurance, debt management, profitability, and other financial topics. Explore our collection of articles, courses, podcasts, videos, and eGuides.

Monthly Financial Elements® – Liquidity (Lt)

Join Ryan Isaac, for a discussion about Liquid Term (Lt), one of the key Elements® of an optimized financial plan.

Monthly Financial Elements® – Taxes (Tr)

Join Ryan Isaac, for a discussion about Taxes (Tr), one of the key Elements® of an optimized financial plan.

Monthly Financial Elements® – Insurance (Ir)

Join Ryan Isaac, for a discussion about Insurance (Ir), one of the key Elements® of an optimized financial plan.

Monthly Financial Elements® – Financial Independence (Tt)

Join Ryan Isaac, for a discussion about Financial Independence (Tt), one of the key Elements® of an optimized financial plan.

Rise of the Machines: The Power and Limits of Financial Apps – Episode 187

Can you trust decisions about your financial future to an app? Good financial planning requires careful thought around hundreds of...

What Losing 30 lbs Reminded Me About Financial Planning

By Reese Harper, CFP® , CEO of Dentist Advisors

Executive Summary Instead of solving a whole problem, most of us tend to fix little bits and pieces. In the...

What Dentists Want to Know — Listener Q&A #7 – Episode 144

You’ve seen the headlines: “Bull Market!” Or, “A Bear is lurking!” What do these two terms really mean for your...

Are You Paying for Generic Advice You Could Get for Free? – Episode 134

It’s time for Reese to take the hot seat as we switch things up a bit for this episode of...

Video 2: How Much Wealth Do You Need to Make Work Optional?

See how to calculate your progress toward financial independence using an Element called Total Term

Video 1: Four Questions Every Dentist Needs to Answer

Learn how the Elements® periodic table of twelve financial indicators empowers dentists to fulfill their wealth-building potential

How Dentists Get Organized and Win Their Time Back

Learn about the tools and technology Dentist Advisors uses to help dentists take control of their time and make better...

How Dentist Advisors Delivers Comprehensive Planning

See how Dentist Advisors delivers comprehensive financial planning using a proprietary system to measure key indicators of financial health