June 5, 2023

DA Today

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


3 Steps to Building a Solid Financial Foundation

Matt Mulcock, CFP®, CEO of Dentist Advisors

Earlier this year, two homes in Utah collapsed and fell down the hillside they were built on. Neighbors caught the destruction on videos that have since gone viral. Luckily, these homes, which had only been completed eighteen months prior, were already evacuated and nobody was hurt.

The company that built the homes cited the shift and eventual slide to “unique geographical features and the soils on which they were constructed.” That seems like a fancy PR way of saying the homes were built on a faulty foundation.

The foundation is everything. You can have the perfect light fixtures, countertops, and furniture, but none of it will matter if the base eventually crumbles.

(Queue the financial analogy).

Let’s talk about laying the groundwork for a financial house that stands the test of time and keeps you out of harm’s way.

Here are 3 steps to building a solid financial foundation:

1) Start with the right questions

If I asked you what THE QUESTION is when it comes to your money, you might say something like, “When can I retire?”

That’s a great question. And it’s important to plan around the answer. But I’d argue it’s not one of the “foundational” questions of a successful financial plan.

Here are better questions to start with:

  • Why is money important to me?
  • What needs to happen in the next few years for me to feel like I’m making progress?
  • Am I using my money in a way that improves my life?

These questions naturally uncover your values and lead you down a path of more fulfilling decisions. Money is not a hard science. Sure, there is always the “spreadsheet answer” to most money questions that optimize for wealth creation. But is that what you’re optimizing for? Maybe. Maybe not. First, identify your values, then spend and invest accordingly.

2) Get organized

You need to know where you stand so you can know where to start. Most money mistakes we see dentists make are the result of being disorganized.

Nail the following fundamentals and you’ll be empowered to make financial decisions with more confidence:

  • Create and track your personal financial statement
  • Regularly review your practice P&L and balance sheet
  • Monitor your personal spending (with an app or dashboard)
  • Take time to get the proper insurance policies and an estate plan

By getting organized you’ll be able to measure your progress, stay objective, and be prepared for inevitable mishaps.

3) Prioritize your practice

As advisors to dentists, we often get asked, “Where should I invest my money?” That is a big question that requires knowing a lot more about each person’s goals and situation. But more times than not, the best investment you can make is investing right back into your practice. If you don’t own a practice, that’s okay. Invest in your skillset as a dentist. Your payoff in the long run will almost always be bigger and better than any other investment you can make.

We’ve all heard the common saying of keeping the main thing the main thing. You, your skillset, and your practice are the main thing. Protecting and growing that is a huge part of building your financial foundation.


Building a solid financial foundation allows you to focus more on the things that make life worth living. Playing on the beach with your kids, starting a new hobby, or picking up that book you’ve been meaning to read are a lot better when you’re not constantly worried about the bottom falling out of your bank account.

Creating a strong footing for your money decisions doesn’t mean constantly thinking and stressing about money—quite the opposite. By articulating your values, getting organized, and prioritizing your practice on the front end, you’ll be able to think less about money and start focusing on the things that really matter.

Elements® App Insight

Financial organization is crucial to making smart financial decisions. As a Dentist Advisors client, you have access to the Elements® app where you can input your personal information and track your financial progress.


Dentist Advisors Benchmark Survey

For over a decade, Dentist Advisors has collected financial data from a large sample of dentists and specialists across the country. Take our benchmark survey to see how you stack up.

take benchmark survey


Meet Dr. Aaron Bumann

Pediatric Dentist

“It has given me clarity. I like to be able to be adaptable, and I have found over time that I can be much more ready to adapt when I have a solid base underneath me. DMM has helped me collate my knowledge and put it to use in evaluating the many financial and personal choices of life.”

Learn more about Aaron

Learn more about Aaron

Practice name: Dentistry for Children


Dental School attended: University of Minnesota


Years in practice: 10


Employment status: Associate for small practice


Practice location: Kansas City, Missouri


Why dentistry? I have an opportunity to interrupt cycles of disease and help my patients lead more comfortable, healthier lives.


Dental industry involvement: I am very involved in organized dentistry. I work with the ADA and AAPD to be an advocate for my patients on the local, state, and federal levels. I have found some of my best friends in dentistry through my involvement in these organizations and they help to round out my experience in clinical practice.


Hobbies: I like days off with my family and personally enjoy golfing, cooking, and reading.


Favorite day off activity: Golf


Favorite vacation spot: Black Hills of South Dakota


Advice to other members: Never be satisfied. Always grow in knowledge, in expertise, in pursuit of your passions. That could be practice, it could be your family, it could be anything. The day we stop being curious and pursuing growth in its many forms is the day we stop being relevant.


What is one goal that you have for the next 1-3 years? Dental school loans paid off!


How to Double Your Practice in 12 Months

Growth can be exhilarating but scary. Join Shared Practices’ President Dr. Alex Sharp to explore how to assess your current practice’s performance, ways to grow your practice, and how to avoid obstacles that may obstruct your practice’s growth.

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Productive Dentist Academy

Since 2004, Productive Dentist Academy has helped thousands of dentists increase productivity and reduce stress through dental practice business consulting, continuing education, and full-service marketing. Their key to success is only teaching what they do.

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