In the third quarter of 2018, global financial markets generally rose and U.S. stocks climbed, despite the continued trade dispute between U.S. and China.
U.S. stocks recorded strong gains in Q3 with the S&P 500 Index logging its biggest quarter in nearly five years. Small-cap stocks lagged behind the broader mark; however, all the major indexes reached new highs. Emerging market equities fell in the quarter with trade disputes intensifying and U.S. interest rates rising. Non-U.S. financial markets rose for the most part, although some countries remain under trade tension and slowing growth. Declining returns in the bond market continued due to rising interest rates.
Let Us Catch you Up
If you don’t have much time, simply check out pages 3 and 4. You’ll see the overall performance of stocks and bonds and an overview of major news events from the quarter.
An outline is included below, but be sure to download a full copy of the quarterly market review summary.
Notable Q3 Headlines
- US Economy Grew at 4.1% Rate In Second Quarter
- Rising US Consumer Prices Are Eroding Wage Gains
- Nasdaq Crosses 8000 Threshold for First Time
- US Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level since 1969
- Fed Raises Interest Rates, Signals One More Increase This Year
- China’s Trade Surplus with US Hits New Record
Q3 Index Returns
- US Market +7.12%
- Developed +1.31%
- Emerging -1.09%
- Real Estate -0.03%
- US Bond +0.02%
- Global Bond -0.17%